Data binding Reference

Link can be bound to the standard form control consuming value and onChange props like this:

<input {} />

In order to take the full advantage of the value link pattern you're encouraged to create custom semantic form control wrappers, encapsulating the markup for form layout and validation.

Here's the reference for data bound tags from valuelink/tags which might be used as starting boilerplate.

Text and number form fields

<Input type="text"/>, <TextArea />

tags.jsx contains wrappers for standard <input> and <textarea> tags, which can be directly bound to the string state elements.

These wrappers will add invalid class to enclosed HTML element, if an error is present in the bound link.

<Input type="text" valueLink={ link } />
<TextArea valueLink={ link } />

There's also cross-browser implementation of numeric input tag. It has following differences compared to <Input>:

<NumberInput> validates its value, and adds invalid class to enclosed input element if it's not a number.

<NumberInput valueLink={ link } />
<NumberInput valueLink={ link } integer={ true }/>
<NumberInput valueLink={ link } positive={ true }/>


<Input type="checkbox" />

Wrapper for the standard <input>. Directly binds boolean value with checkedLink property.

<Input type="text" checkedLink={ booleanLink } />
<Input type="text" checkedLink={ arrayLink.contains( 'option' ) } />

Internally, it's <div> element which toggles selected class on click. Thus, it can be easily styled.

By default, it has checkbox CSS class, which can be overridden by passing className prop.

It passes through anything else, including children.

<Checkbox checkedLink={ booleanLink } />
<Checkbox checkedLink={ arrayLink.contains( 'option' ) } />

Radio Groups and Select list


Wrapper for standard <select/>. Regular <option/> tags must be used. All props are passed through.

<Select valueLink={ linkToSelectedValue }>
    <option value="a">A</option>
    <option value="b">B</option>
<Input type="radio"/>

Wrapper for the standard <input>. Directly binds boolean value with checkedLink property.

Can be directly bound to the state member using valueLink property.

    <Input type="radio" valueLink={ flagLink } value="a" />
    <Input type="radio" valueLink={ flagLink } value="b" />

Internally, it's <div> element which always sets selected class on click. Thus, it can be easily styled.

By default, it has radio CSS class, which can be overridden by passing className prop. It passes through anything else, including children.

It must be used in conjunction with link.equals( 'value' ) method.

    <Radio checkedLink={ flagLink.equals( 'a' ) } />
    <Radio checkedLink={ flagLink.equals( 'b' ) } />